Wow, I can't believe it! One of my reviews has been quoted - IN PRINT!!!! Granted, my name isn't mentioned, but it's definitely my review. The next time you're in the book store, pick up a copy of Tokyopop's The Dreaming, V.02 - My ListerX review was quoted on the inside of the back cover. YAY! *does a happy dance*Anyway, moving on. :-) Thanks to the disappearance of ListerX, I've recently discovered a wonderful site called LibraryThing! While it will NEVER compare to the wonderful thoroughness of ListerX, I have to give it loads of points for being the most hands-on & user-friendly online catalog I've ever seen. I've managed to upload nearly my entire collection of over 3,500+ titles in less than a month! Of course, I haven't gotten them all properly cataloged yet, but just the fact that I was able to upload that many in such a sort amount of time is AMAZING! It also has the function of allowing you to hand-enter books that, for example, are too old to have ISBNs. Or maybe it's one of those mini-cookbooks you buy while standing in line at the grocery store - you can upload that, too. I admit, it does have a few flaws, but they're minor in comparison to the benefits. Another cool feature, if you have a cell phone with internet access, is that they've created a special cell phone-friendly site so that you can look up your collection while your at the book store, for example, to make sure you don't already own something before you buy it. (Yes, I really have done that before. . . more than once, actually) *grimaces* I have to admit that as much as I loved ListerX and continue to wish whole-heartedly every day for its return, in a way, I'm glad that it vanished because I never would have discovered LibraryThing otherwise.
Anyway, you may have noticed a change over on the left-hand menu bar - that's a portion of my LibraryThing "tag" list, which is basically a list of subjects you can add to each book in your collection. And the best part is that YOU get to create it. What you're seeing are the top 30 "most-used" tags that I've placed on various books I own. The larger the font is, the more that particular tag is used in my catalog. When clicked on, each tag will take you to a complete listing of that tag's use within the LibraryThing database. Pretty cool, huh?!
Yeah...so...I'll be going to bed now... ;-P
- Tim commented at 6:57 AM PST~
Hey. The LibraryThing guy here. I saw your post on Google Blog search. I'd never heard of ListerX. I gather it was like LibraryThing, but Manga focused? Is this right?
If it had a good database of manga—better than LT's, so it would have to be user-enhanced—I'd love to get my hands on it. Do you know what happened to the site?
More generally, let me know what you think LT should do better.
PS: Love the tag list. Nobody uses that widget—they use the cover one. I'm not sure why.- Miranda commented at 3:30 PM PST~
Hello there! Yes, ListerX was a little bit like LibraryThing. The users couldn't add their own items though; they had to request that things be added in the forum and then one of the content admins would add it. That was my job on the site; I was basically in charge of adding doujinshi (fan-produced comics) & shitajiki (pencil boards). But yes, it had a wonderful database of manga, artbooks, DVDs, etc., and from all over the world - not just the U.S. & Japan. Several months ago the forums were badly hacked, but the site stayed up for awhile. Then with no warning everything just disappeared. Now, there's nothing but advertising where it used to be - www.listerx.com. I've used whois.com to try to track down the original owner, but with no luck so far. It was especially good for keeping track of when new manga (and other anime/manga products) were coming out because as soon as the individual publishers had a title and it's release date listed, it got added to ListerX. Ever since it went down, I've been at a loss. I hadn't realized how much I relied on that site to keep track of my purchases until it vanished.
Here's a recent cached Google page, sans graphics: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:9OzWMtAw5o8J:www.listerx.net/viewsimilar.asp%3FAuthor%3DSaito%2520Chiho+listerx&hl=en&lr=&strip=1
Or for something a little more out-of-date you can use the Way Back Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.listerx.com
Anyway, I've got tons of suggestions for LibraryThing - I think I'll just email those to you to save space. LOL! And thanks for your comment regarding my tag list! I really like the way it looks, although the only reason I don't have a cover list, too, is because some of the user-added covers don't show up for some reason... *shrugs*- commented at 2:41 PM PST~
I miss ListerX too. T_T I keep hoping it will come back. I've been using JustManga's manga thingit... but it's just not the same.
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