
YALSA Gets Graphic!

I was extremely happy to discover that the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has finally decided to put together an annual list of the best graphic novels for teens. YAY! They’re still accepting nominations, so if you want to put in your two cents worth hop on over to their website to suggest a few of your personal favs – but remember to follow all the rules and requirements. As for myself, I think I'll be nominating the recent Bone re-release as well as the Elfquest Archives V.03 re-release. You just can't escape from classic graphic novels - they're so perfectly timeless. Anyway, I really hope they get on the final list, which I think will be released sometime soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

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The Graphic Librarian

While the title seems a bit deceptive, it's really all in the way you look at it. ;) LOL!

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